Abel Danger Inerts SERCO's Red Switch Chapter 25 will end Book 13 before Field McConnell's 3rd trip to Region, however April 9, 2014: United States Marine Field McConnell has linked hotel red-switch networks operated by Nicholas Soames and his Serco CEO brother Rupert for the MI-3 Innholders Livery Company, to a hack by Serco director Maureen Baginski and Julian Assange of MH Flight 370 avionics apparently intended to simulate black box pings and have the Australian Navy searching where the plane is not. McConnell claims that former U.K. Defence minister Nicholas Soames hired Serco director Maureen Baginski and Assange to hack the red switch network and disrupt the Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) of large-scale exercises so that Australian Navy officers would accept a FLASH OVERRIDE from a bogus command authority and hunt for black boxes and simulated pings in 5,800 meters of water in the Diamintina Trench.