June 9th marks 90 days since BOEING UNINTERRUPTIBLE AUTOPILOT youTube was posted 24 hours after MH370 was taken off course by BUAP. It is also the 43rd anniversary of the graduation of the USNA Class of 1971. Field McConnell will make a video "ATC Serco's cat bond trackers, AFB Boeing's Cat IIIc" in which he plays the role of Captain Zaharie Shah in a simulator to help Voice370 families see why he is alleging that Serco's air traffic controllers used the Boeing Uninterruptible Pilot to support its cat-bond asset tracking services during the Flight 370 hijack and CAT IIIc landing at US Air Force Base Diego Garcia. McConnell will use Abel Danger's cloud-centric crime scene investigation and whistle-blowing network at his own cost to make the Serco-Boeing 370 video. While McConnell notes that the Voice370 families are seeking $ 5 million to pay for such services, he is willing to align with VOICE370 in the production of the video between 9 June and 9 July, 2014. fieldmcc@yahoo.com