Extremely choppy broadcast today. Reposting as best as possible into 3 parts. #2086: Marine Links Serco Clock to Offender's ad hoc Crime Time, Buffet Super-Cat 9/11 www.abeldanger.net/2014/08/2086-marine-links-serco-clock-to.html Plum City – (AbelDanger.net). United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco's National Physical Laboratory cesium clock to the Offender's Tag Association's spot-fixed time zones at ad hoc crime scenes and Warren Buffett's alleged super-cat reinsurance frauds in the events of 9/11 described as "the first live broadcast mass snuff film in human history". McConnell notes that Serco was able to control Internet packet switching on 9/11 with the NPL clock and deploy tagged offenders from different time zones to all of the ad hoc crime scenes. McConnell claims that Serco was therefore the only company in the world able to backhaul the Offender's 9/11 snuff film to be viewed by Buffett's friends at the Offutt Air Force Base and share real-time data to support his super-cat reinsurance frauds on Lloyd's Names in London.