Was Plato referencing the Orion Nebula in his famous work the Timeaus? Was his demiurge just a concept in his mind that turns out to be very much like the Orion Nebula?? Was his concept born of ancient teachings from Egypt? *More info below* classics.mit.edu/Plato/timaeus.html Book : Stolen Legacy from 1954 www.sacred-texts.com/afr/stle/stle12.htm The Oxford Companion to the History of Modern Science www.amazon.com/Oxford-Companion-History-Modern-Science/dp/0195112296 books.google.com/books?id=abqjP-_KfzkC&pg=PA570&lpg=PA570&dq=demiurge+divine+mind+nebula&source=bl&ots=C_2S4VVZCO&sig=QgAavUer2l3xWv6LuPa4nhG2AO4&hl=en&sa=X&ei=uPwdU6qcGIrhygG_yYCoBA&ved=0CDIQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=demiurge%20divine%20mind%20nebula&f=false The Rosicrucian concept of the World Soul—the First Manifestation—corresponds to similar conceptions found, in various forms, in most of the ancient occult teachings of the several great esoteric schools of philosophy. In some philosophies it is known as the "Anima Mundi," or Life of the World, Soul of the World, or World Spirit. In others it is known as the Logos, or Word. In others, as the Demiurge. www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=74914&page=4 The Timaeus is also famous for its account of the creation of the universe by the Demiurge. Unlike the creation by the God of medieval theologians, Plato's Demiurge does not create ex nihilo, but rather orders the cosmos out of chaotic elemental matter, imitating the eternal Forms. Plato takes the four elements, fire, air, water, and earth (which Plato proclaims to be composed of various aggregates of triangles), making various compounds of these into what he calls the Body of the Universe. www.iep.utm.edu/plato/ Ennead is pronounced En -ee- ad btw......sue me...