The Pineal Gland has over 5 million magnetite crystals of per gram. Magnetite cells act as an oscillator to consciousness and with its effect on the pineal gland, the spiritual world. ls it no wonder the Great Pyramid's central chambers were built with stones loaded with magnetite? ls this the key to the Great Pyramid being the border between the physical and spiritual world, or heaven and earth as it is described in ancient text ...and a link between the Great Pyramid and the Orion Nebula. *For you English majors 'bodies' should be body's in opening paragraph*. And yea, l misspelled magnetite once too....sue me. Magnetite Overlay done by Juliea Pyramid/Human Head pic copyright Danny Wilten 2014 Danny's channel- Music - The Drive by Kevin MacLeod Biomagnetism and Bio-Electromagnetism: The Foundation of Life