What's New In Final Cut Pro X 10.1.2

submitted by AudienceMagnet on 09/08/14 1

More tutorials are available at bit.ly/FCPX-Tutorials Hey what's up everybody. My name is Jasper Thayer, Apple Certified Trainer for Final Cut Pro and developer of FinalCutProX.net In this lesson I'll gonna be talking about some of the new features that are available in FCPX version 10.1.2 First thing that you'll notice is that FCPX requires you to update your Library files in order to work with your Libraries in this new version. Keep in mind that you can not open your Libraries in older versions of FCPX after they've been updated to work in version 10.1.2 So if you're working with other editors that may not have updated to the newest version of FCPX then you might want to coordinate with the other editors you're working with to ensure that everyone is working on the same version of FCP. That way nobody you're working with will have problems opening up your shared Library files and working on your project. Now, in Final Cut Pro version 10.1.2 you have the ability to set the location where you'd like to store your Final Cut Pro transcoded media files and Final Cut Pro render files Let me show you how to set it up. I'll create a new Library in FCPX 10.1.2 and as soon as I do a Library Properties pane automatically opens in the Inspector, even if I had the Inspector closed. At the top of the Library Properties pane is the name and Hard Drive location of my Library so I know which Library's properties I'm currently Inspecting. Underneath the Library's name is Storage Locations. If I click Modify Settings a drop down window appears which allows me to set the storage locations for my Library. The window says that newly imported or generated media, cache files, and library backups will be stored in the locations I choose. The drop down window also informs me that any existing media and backup files remain in their original locations. It's pretty straight forward, but that basically means if I worked on the Library before and changed the storage locations since then, then any NEW media will be stored in the new location, but previous media will remain in the previous location. You can consolidate your media by clicking the Consolidate button in the Library Properties pane in the Inspector. I'm going to set the location of my media, cache, and backup files to my SSD Hard drive so that all of the media is stored on a separate location from my Library file. Now that the locations of your files have been setup in the Library Properties pane you can hover your pointer over the media, cache and backups sections to see a tooltip appear which will show you the storage location for that group of files. Media includes files you import as well as optimized or proxy transcoded media that you can choose to create inside of Final Cut Pro. Cache includes render files, thumbnail images, audio waveforms, optical flow and stabilization analysis files... basically all the files generated by Final Cut Pro besides transcoded media. Backups are backup files of your Library's database -- not the media. So they're pretty small files. The Import preferences have changed a little bit too. You'll notice now that you can only choose to Copy to Library storage location or leave files in place during import. That means that all media storage locations are now managed from the Libraries Properties pane in the Inspector. Depending on your situation, you may want to keep all the files in your Library so everything is all in one place, or if you're working with other editors in a studio where you're all sharing media you might want to set your storage locations to a shared volume. I usually edit by myself but I am the type that likes to separate all of my files from my Library. So from the storage locations I would modify the settings to store all of my Media, Cache, and backup files on my external SSD Drive. If I choose to change the location later I can always modify the settings and then Consolidate the media to move my media to the new location. OK so I think we covered how media is now stored in FCPX. Let's talk about some of the other new features. I'm going to show you them in rapid fire so look out. One new feature in the recent update of FCP is that you can add keywords to imported media from the finder tags of the media. I'll open up the FCP preferences and go to the Import preferences and you'll see in the Keywords section there's a new option checked "From Finder Tags". That means that if I import media into FCP that has finder tags, then those finder tags will become keyword collections for the clip during import if this option is checked.

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