Memorial Day Weekend Ep. 6 - "THE BEACH LIFE" Dwight Powell & Friends are responsible for throwing an intense and organized event for the GAY COMMUNITY during Memorial Day weekend. For the past 11 years, Sizzle has become a well known name amongst the crowds. The wealthy, the mature, the catty, the novice, and the crazy all gather in Miami for this event. People from all over the globe come to just HAVE FUN. Mike and Wesley, two friends from Aconnectiontv and BFAM, finally traveled together and their first trip was to Miami. Watch these collection of videos to see all of the craziness that happens when the two meet up with their friends. SUBSCRIBE LIKE SHARE COMMENT! BFAM T-SHIRTS: BFAM TWITTERS: WESLEY - MIKE - CENTRIQ - BFAM FACEBOOKS: MIKE - WESLEY - CENTRIQ - BFAM: Brothers From Another Mother, is a show on Aconnectiontv - the network. The platform is a straight man and a gay man coming together, and showing the world that we can coexist with no negative energy or bad blood between us. We talk about life issues and entertainment in our videos and we speak our minds and make you laugh with our abrupt sarcasm. Love us or Hate us you will laugh. We want you to follow us and share all of our videos with your family and friends. We want this show to go far and become a house hold name. Please support the message and let the world know that "STRAIGHT AND GAY CAN BE ONE". ACONNECTIONTV - the network Aconnectiontv - the Network, is a channel of diverse entertainment revolving around the Music/Film industry and the normal lives of the everyday person. We look forward to making you laugh, think, and learn. PLEASE FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @ACONNECTIONTV, LIKE THIS VIDEO, AND COMMENT AS WELL. Spread the word Aconnectiontv around to your family and friends. Suggested viewing age 17+.