Who do you listen to? Are your thoughts your own or influenced by others? Most of us are influenced by opinions and thoughts of outside media. Scott Carr, Founder of Belief Trumps Talent gives you a message in this video about getting influenced by top achievers who can empower you and help you grow. Watch the video to know more. In this free training session,Scott Carr, Youth Mentor and Coach at Belief Trumps Talent helps you understand about different parts of mind that are formed at different age levels and impact of their correlation on human behavior and activities. At Belief Trumps Talent we get to the core level of self-beliefs and help our clients realize if those beliefs are empowering them or holding them back. Once we help them identify their limiting beliefs, we help them reframe those beliefs, create a new vision for their lives and boost their desire to achieve them. Visit our website www.belieftrumpstalent.com/