Gabino Sandoval Barrera is an extraordinary man. I met him for the first time in 2012. I was impressed by his friendly open manner and with the purses made from pull tabs that are the subject of this video. He employees 15 to 20 family members and friends in helping him to manufacture the purses and pays perhaps 100 other people to keep him supplied with tabs. This also provides a fundraising opportunity for the schools and churches of his community. He is an active member of his church and teaches a catechism classes. He lives with his wife and 3 kids in the Bouganvillia barrio of Puerto Vallarta surrounded by his wife's family. We made a video together in 2012 called "Sombrero Hunters", also on YouTube. We had so much fun together, that when he told me he wanted to make a video for his customers. I agreed to help him. Like Gabino, I hope that you like this video and will share it with your friends. And the next time you are in Puerto Vallarta visit him on the bridge over the Rio Qualle, he is usually there from about 3pm on most days. Bruce Finlayson