We have all had the nightmare of walking into a classroom unprepared for a big exam. Test anxiety is pervasive. Even the brightest kids can freeze up during standardized tests or important exams because of all-too-common test stress. Continuing research is supporting the benefits of learning and practicing meditative strategies and especially "mindfulness" at a young age to better equip kids to handle school and test anxiety. CollegePrepExpress offers teens classes in Mindfulness-Based Test-Anxiety Reduction (MBTAR), live in West Hartford as well as online. Michael Youmans, Ph.D., owner of CollegePrepExpress, has been a tutor and college prep advisor for more than 20 years. Along with his priority of helping kids get into the schools of their choice, he has always had as his mission to "reduce stress and alleviate anxiety around the admissions process." Full details about the classes are here: bit.ly/lWfEh6 Visit www.CollegePrepExpress.com for more information or call 860-519-1000.