Exclusive content available at the new @FreefallSeries #AllAccess Channel! vimeo.com/ondemand/freefallallaccess Introducing the FREEFALL Theme Song and debut single of @FreefallSeries star DeAndré Lemans (aka "Nico")! BUY + DOWNLOAD here: itunes.apple.com/us/artist/deandre-lemans/id867153233 Support FREEFALL MISSION: MAINSTREAM at www.gofundme.com/FreefallMissionMainstream FREEFALL has returned with a major mission for 2014! Upon evaluating our potential as a groundbreaking and influential new crime drama series that features cutting-edge LGBT characters, our goal is to take our show to a mainstream viewing audience to increase our chances of LICENSING our series OR receiving a TELEVISION NETWORK pickup! For interview, appearances and screening requests contact freefalltvseries@gmail.com. All advertiser or product placement requests contact info@BOAcollective.com! Produced by Rashad Mubarak and Jenique Keyatta Holder Mincey Executive Produced by @BOAcollective (www.facebook.com/BOAcollective) Join our movement! www.facebook.com/FreefallTVSeries www.twitter.com/FreefallSeries www.instagram.com/FreefallSeries BOA believes in providing EDGY, DIVERSE and COMPELLING content for film, television and the web while seeking to be a resource and inspiration to artists new and old who are committed to defying the odds and creating their own artistic revolution.