Expanding the Love Energy Meditation | Heart Centre Expansion Visualisation

submitted by ourgom on 08/15/14 1

www.beaniesrawchocs.com my raw chocolate site. ~~~~~~~ : ~~~~~~~ : ~~~~~~~~ : ~~~~~~~~ : ~~~~~~~~ This meditation is for cultivating and expanding the Love energy that resides in your Heart Centre, opening to love and expanding this love outwards you will feel very very relaxed and at peace with yourself and the world around you. The video artwork 'Invocation' was created by the beautiful Steph Granshaw. 'Invocation' struck a chord within me and I was honoured that Steph allowed me to use it for this meditation. Steph's work can be found at www.simplesoulfulart.com . This is what Steph say's about 'Invocation':- "To invoke means to "call in" or "call upon". For me the word 'Invocation' conjures up ideas of magic, mystical shamanic practices, Shakti Energy/Kundalini and so much more. So with all of this pleasantly swimming around in my consciousness today i created the above piece. It was indeed a magical process serving it's desire to be made manifest. I am also reading an old favorite of mine at the moment, Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain,and putting to practice some of the beautifully simple visualisation techniques she shares. She talks about using invocation as a meditative and visualization tool. Invocation is a technique with which you can summon a particular energy or quality to come to you such as: Love, Strength, Compassion, Clarity, Creativity, Wisdom, Passion etc. When in a relaxed and meditative state firmly and clearly say to yourself "I now call forth the quality of Love" (for example). Really feel the energy/quality coming to you, or from somewhere inside of you, filling you up and radiating out. Submerse yourself in this feeling for as long as you want and then if you so wish, direct it towards a goal of yours. It's a lovely visualization tool to use." I'm an Artist and if you love Art you might want to see how I work and view my paintings, my website with full info and more about me at: www.jeangdayton.com

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