Micah Stampley Live At The Experience 2013 (HD)

submitted by Adventist Youth Network on 08/11/14 1

Note: This video was uploaded in HD format and it's actually a 2.11GB file. You'll need a fast internet connection to be able to watch it in HD. If the video appears blur, it's because youtube has detected your connection to be slow and has dropped the quality of the video to ensure optimal streaming experience. If you have a slow connection but still want to watch it in HD, click the gear button located just after the "watch after" button and select the output quality you want (you can also get a good video quality at 360p while 720p is the best). But be aware that with a slow connection, there'll be too much buffering. Forgive my shakiness. I was way at the back and had to zoom my camera to the maximum so with such camera focus, any slight movement seems to affect the video greatly..and trust me, you just cannot imagine the crowd. Watch Don Moen's Ministration here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBAWvTp0bqo Watch Frank Edward's Ministration Here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7VpgWD6M-4&feature=youtu.be Enjoy!

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