www.silberstudios.tv/ Childhood photographer Lena Hyde is a respected expert in the field of children's photography. In this video, she joins Marc Silber to talk about her approach to shooting photos of children and to share her tips on efficient lighting and equipment. Looking at her work, it is clear that she enjoys her work and truly engages her subjects, both young and old. Lena is a natural at interacting with children and babies, and always makes sure to create an experience that is fun and enjoyable for them. Children are more comfortable without the commotion of lighting equipment, so she only uses all natural light for her photos. Lena advises against carrying around heavy equipment, since you often have to run around to keep up with your active subjects. Join us for this informative video for anyone who wants to capture truly natural photographs of children that will be cherished for years to come. Check out Lena's site. Our thanks to Francesco Spiezia for his footage of Lena in action! FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/marcsilbershow GOOGLE +: bit.ly/Y95TGT TWITTER: twitter.com/aypshow RSS SUBSCRIBE: bit.ly/Z39VVl