www.silberstudios.tv/We recently met back up with Bob Holmes and asked him to show us what's in his bag. He gave us a look inside with some good tips along the way for cleaning dust from your camera's card slots, packing spare equipment and packing a separate bag for use in the field and more--and catch the outtake at the end!. Thanks to Bob holmes for sharing. Be sure to catch his other videos www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygeixGd8ZMw and catch the outtake at the end! And thanks to our friends at ThinkTank www.thinktankphoto.com/affiliates.aspx?code=AP-523 Click here to watch Bob Holmes free video training: Mastering Natural Light photographingnaturallight.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/marcsilbershow GOOGLE +: bit.ly/Y95TGT TWITTER: twitter.com/aypshow RSS SUBSCRIBE: bit.ly/Z39VVl