This documentary features the 10-day training in the methodology of social sciences and humanities organized in April 2013 in Zanzibar (Tanzania). It was conducted by the French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA-Nairobi) and the Institute of Research for Development (IRD) in partnership with the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA). It received support from the French agency Agence Inter-établissement de recherche pour le developpement, the French embassies in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda, and the Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) in Tanzania. 20 participants from Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania attended. Thematically, the training focused on the research theme of heritage, more specifically the social representations of cultural heritage related to the Stone Town of Zanzibar. The central aim of the training programme was to apply three qualitative research methods in the field, 1) in-depth interviews, 2) biographies, and 3) participatory mapping, in order to capture perceptions of heritage. Training involved lectures and a 3-day supervised collaborative fieldwork, plus post-fieldwork coaching and debates. Three locations were selected: Forodhani Gardens, the House of Wonders museum, and a lively street called Sokomuhogo; and 3 categories of respondents were targeted: Stone Town dwellers, heritage professionals, and tourists.