Music by David McLeod - composer - Title "Disclosure"
Intro Track UpNorthOfThe49th
Music by Tanuki Project (Gilles Roisan & Nady Narro) reduced 50%
I Pet Goat II - A Louis Lefebvre film
Interesting with today's Bombing of the Boston Marathon I show information in this segment, of the controlled destruction of the burning house. These events are controlled!
Three Hearts, Three Explosions, Three Devotions in Boston. This is amazing in the film. There will be controlled destruction by radical factions threw vicious attacks to destroy America. All is in this video. Must see it all to understand what I am saying here.
- Hermetica - hermetic.com/egc/
This site give much information regarding masses and practices for understanding and education on Crowley, Masonic and Craft symbolism in the Gnostic.
- hermetic.com/egc/deathcookie.html
This is a transcribed conversation regarding what is called "the Aeon of the Death Cookie" It is in a basic idea of the penis spilling the seed. An Interesting yet peculiar read on a ritual mass of spreading ones self among others. It like their Sunday Mass and children attend. "This explains a lot about the mystery of the Penis on the Board."
These are rich people who think themselves beyond reproach. Insane to you or I. "Know your Enemies."
This segment is reduced by 50% and backward.
Much of what you know about Obama and possibly a few new things, you may never have seen within the I Pet Goat II Short Film.
Regarding the last little short film segment. The sound is off and I apologize for the sudden fast sound change. I could not get it to upload very loud within that segment.
Please Like if you do and Let me know if you Don't Please comment. I love to hear your ideas about the subject matter.
I hope you enjoy (please share, as we all need to know of the deceptions around us)
and I thank you again for watching.
Gods Grace and Blessing on You ALL.
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