Dr. Seuss Brain Break | Cat in the Hat Run | Kids Movement Activity | Go Noodle | Just Dance

submitted by Miss Mia on 03/04/25 1

Join us as we celebrate Dr. Seuss' Birthday with a Cat in the Hat themed brain break! Sally and her brother are stuck inside on a rainy day, but the Cat in the Hat is ready to play! He's brought along his box of fun, so you'd better be ready to run! You'll have to dodge Thing 1 and Thing 2, duck under the flying kite, and jump over the famous hat. Along the way, you'll get to refocus and re-energize with some basic yoga poses, test how sharp your eyes are by spotting some things that don't belong, and show off your "Seussified" dance moves. Come along and join in on the fun with one of Dr. Seuss most popular characters! Get up and move with the Cat and Hat as you celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday! We are working hard to provide students and teachers with new and creative content! Please like, share, and subscribe to make sure you catch our latest videos! Thank you so much! -Coach Jason and Coach Christian Other Great Winter Brain Breaks from GoPlay! -Dr. Seuss Mini-Game Mashup youtu.be/USxvb_Nr2zI -101st Day of School 101 Dalmatian Celebration youtu.be/d6DA3ZPmYnc -Leap Day Frogger Run youtu.be/qalWDrbhrgQ -Mario's Don't Break the Ice youtu.be/GDMj786e2m8 -Mario's Memory Matching Game youtu.be/ytbftstDZvg - Would You Rather: Valentines Day youtu.be/SnLx1k_eISo -Valentine's Day Heart Heroes Dash- Kid's Heart Challenge youtu.be/OsgL-mfdnLo -Hedbanz Winter Edition youtu.be/sIgVHJ3lbvA?si=ynt1cbb-fXXKlbyu -Would You Rather? Winter Edition youtu.be/3mdtUuyfCT4?si=uguEFEGGfUJSEWe -Would You Rather? Winter vs. Summer Edition youtu.be/Uo08qciPI9k?si=729euZWZuo_txG8u -Winter Freeze Dance youtu.be/CGeyESD7M5E #BrainBreak #drseuss #catinthehat #grinch #hortonhearsawho #kidsmovementactivities #exercisemovementbreak #kidsyoga #WouldYouRather #JustDance #FestiveFun #Recess #SeasonalShowdown #MoveAndGroove #EpicDanceBattle #WinterWonderland #GoPlay #GetUpAndMove #KidsExercise #counting

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