The LORAX: Freeze Dance Hero 🌳 Dr Seuss Brain Break for Kids 🌳 Earth Day 🌳 Just Dance

submitted by Miss Mia on 03/04/25 1

This Earth Day, help Dr Seuss’s “The Lorax” save the trees from the greedy Once-ler. Just dance to unlock an outstanding adventure and help the Lorax ave the forest. Do you have what it takes to be a Freeze Dance Hero? Get out of your seats and into the game. This is the perfect companion to an Earth Day read aloud for kids. Just dance along with the songs and unlock new adventures along the way. Your kids will love running, jumping, dodging, and even swimming through all 5 levels. The perfect game for Preschoolers, Kindergarten, and all primary grades. If you've played my Floor is Lava Games, you'll love this one. Just Dance along and be ready to run, jump and dodge to help the Lorax. Do you have what it takes to be a Freeze Dance Hero? ➡️ Check out our new Freeze Dance game! This one is perfect for brain breaks and Spring Break parties. Do you have what it takes to save the day? You'll get your heart pumping in this Earth Day Lorax Brain Break. Just dance along and when you freeze you'll need to save the day. See if you’re up for this insane challenge! ➡️ Our games are designed to be appealing to children of all ages, they get kids dancing and having fun. Before they know it, they spent half an hour exercising! They are perfect games to play at home. In this Lorax Brain Break, just get out of your seat and into the game Hope you enjoy this Lorax Brain Break inspired by GoNoodle! 🏆 Get your kids moving AD-FREE at: 👕 Check out the Store: 💬 Can you make it the whole game and find all the matches? Let us know over on Instagram! 👉 We appreciate every thumbs up and would love it if you’d consider subscribing to the channel! And if you love games like this, please share it with everybody you know! Thank you so much for visiting 👋 ******************** 💃 More Freeze Dance! 🎉 New to this channel? Here are the hits: This is perfect for classroom brain breaks, movement breaks, PE warm ups, and living room family fitness... for kids of all ages: Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, all the way up to adults. ******************** ✨ Welcome to the official YouTube channel of Be Well Played ✨ Be Well Played focuses on creating fun and engaging videos for children of all ages! We make exciting games that help kids improve their bodies and mind! ➡️ The programs and videos you’ll find on the channel are designed by a Physical Education teacher that has years of experience motivating kids to start and maintain physical fitness. Children must exercise regularly, and what better way than through fun games and interactive adventures? Our videos are custom-made for children’s preferences. We use popular characters and a massive array of colorful lights and effects so that the children feel compelled to dance along. We make it so fun that the kids don’t even notice they’re exercising! ➡️ In addition to physical fitness, some of our games introduce children to memory puzzles and other types of mental stimulation. We have fun for everyone! 🎬 Make sure to subscribe and hit the bell for notifications so you don't miss out on new games. 🔔 ******************** 👍 Let’s Connect! Follow Be Well Played on your favorite social media: Instagram ➡️ Twitter ➡️ Facebook ➡️ TikTok ➡️ ✅ Visit our website: 🐼 Play ad-free at: ✨ And don’t forget to subscribe to the Channel! ******************** ⏰ Chapters: 🔥 0:00 Just dance to save the day 🔥 0:50 RUN!! 🔥 2:19 Hop the Trees 🔥 3:51 Swim through the Muck! 🔥 5:03 Fly over the Smog 🔥 6:14 Final Showdown ******************** ******************** 💛 If you're loving these games, I highly recommend checking out some other amazing channels for brain breaks. Not only do they make great content but they're amazing teachers and awesome people: @PEwithMrG @CoachCoreyMartin @MatthewWoodPE @TeacherMisterAlonso ******************** #FreezeDanceHero #FreezeDanceFun #BeWellPlayed #FreezeDanceSong #PhysEdGames #BrainBreak #PeGames #PhysEd #JustDance

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