Natalia Lafourcade - Pajarito Colibrí | Live from Walt Disney Concert Hall, LA El álbum De Todas las Flores está disponible en todas las plataformas digitales: Español Mi conexión con Gustavo Dudamel y la Filarmónica de Los Ángeles es tan profunda y hermosa. Cuando me pidieron que interpretara 'Pajarito Colibrí' en el Jardín Blue Ribbon del Walt Disney Concert Hall, me llené de alegría. Espero que disfruten escuchando este íntimo concierto al aire libre tanto como yo disfruté hacerlo. English My connection with Gustavo Dudamel and the LA Phil is so deep and beautiful. When they asked me to perform “Pajarito Colibrí” in the Walt Disney Concert Hall Blue Ribbon Garden, I was overjoyed. I hope you enjoy listening to this intimate outdoor show as much as I enjoyed doing it. Créditos / Credits Audio Direction: Noah Tingen Audio Production: Noah Tingen Recording Engineer: Louie Alfaro Mixing Engineer: Noah Tingen Mastering Engineer: Noah Tingen Video Director : Camila Martins Executive Producer: Kahler Suzuki 1st Assistant Director: Kahler Suzuki Producer: Rick Kent Associate Producer: Katie Clark Director of Photography: Austin Esposito 1st Assistant Camera: Chris Davidson Production Assistant : Camille Johnson Editor: Noah Tingen Color : Noah Tingen Graphics: Mary Smudde #NataliaLafourcade #PajaritoColibrí #DeTodasLasFlores #WaltDisneyConcertHall #LAPhil Film/Recorded at Walt Disney Concert Hall, courtesy of the LA Phil.