Time for School, Little Blue Truck - An Animated Read Aloud with Moving Pictures - Classroom Reading

submitted by shekinahsm on 02/21/25 1

Little Blue Truck and his good friend Toad are excited to meet a bright yellow school bus on the road. They see all the little animals lined up in the school bus’s many windows, and Blue wishes he could be a school bus too. What a fun job—but much too big for a little pickup like Blue. Or is it? When somebody misses the bus, it’s up to Blue to get his friend to school on time. Beep! Beep! Vroom! As always, please support the author by getting your very own copy of the book and reading along with us! You can get yours here: www.amazon.com/Time-School-Little-Blue-Truck/dp/0358412242/ref=sr_1_1?crid=C34VOO2X57H8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.9BBuqLEXUvPoGz-USLOEzDKs4sC2ayUV3uF7YSmty1uIO-sluALnIopMKtkTJ7wBYjCHuGJ7rTewF0FAeYA2Qw9zmQtOjBTLSvsBJsoOt34tAeopRqqmUXRumqwjnHV2qGge60wG8KNk5CMM0Qzgj7_7naYm09JqZpJMTp5qN942j3FDgrgfu72XXMuzSEoRLbSNIwn9cg39b4pHhYm1gUmJoDqRF7EhUDfAYUmS2ZU.w9lbC6cIDvDpiaxgbOuirlN3uvu864eZEMdqWZrSwkc&dib_tag=se&keywords=time+for+school+little+blue+truck&qid=1724235538&sprefix=time+for+schoo%2Caps%2C321&sr=8-1

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