I've read over 100 coding books. Here's what I learned

submitted by jamespoeartistry on 02/10/25 1

Visit brilliant.org/PythonProgrammer/ to get started for free and get 20% off your annual subscription. Thanks to Brilliant for sponsoring this video :-) Python and Data science One of my favourite resources to learn Python and data science - Datacamp (affiliate) datacamp.pxf.io/Z6dLyX Learn Python with Giles 🎓 Exploratory Data Analysis with Python and Pandas - bit.ly/2QXMpxJ 🎓 Complete Python Programmer Bootcamp - bit.ly/2OwUA09 📚 My favourite python books for beginners (affiliate links) 📗 Python Crash Course 2nd Edition amzn.to/33tATAE 📘 Automate the Boring Stuff with Python amzn.to/3qM1DFl 📙 Python Basics - A Practical Introduction to Python 3 amzn.to/3fHRMdb 📕 Python Programming An Introduction to Computer Science amzn.to/33VeQCr 📗 Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python amzn.to/3FM3H4b 🆓 Free Python Resource python-programming.quantecon.org/intro.html (This is a great introduction to python) ⚙ My Gear 💡 BenQ Screen Bar Desk Light - amzn.to/3tH6ysL 🎧 Sony Noise Cancelling Headphones - amzn.to/3tLl82G 📱 Social Media www.instagram.com/gilesmcmullen/ twitter.com/GilesMcMullen 👌 SUBSCRIBE to ME!👌 www.youtube.com/channel/UC68KSmHePPePCjW4v57VPQg?sub_confirmation=1

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