Skating by Stephanie Leavell | A Stop-and-Go Movement Song For Kids! | Music For Kiddos

submitted by phoebe_osgood on 02/07/25 1

"Skating" is a stop-and-go movement song. I think you and the kids are going to LOVE it because it is a song + a craft + a movement activity all in one! Here's the idea: Give your clients or students two paper plates (the super cheap thin white ones work best). They can take some time to decorate their "skates" with crayons or coloring pencils. Then, find some carpet and use them to slide (skate, swirl, race, etc.) and WAIT to the tune of this song. "Skating" was our January 2023 FREE Song-of-the-Month. Get our Top 5 children's songs and receive a free, high-quality children's song every month by joining our newsletter: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music for Kiddos is a website created by Stephanie Leavell, MT-BC that provides high-quality music and music resources for music therapists, music educators, and parents. She's mom to a spunky young daughter, a seasoned performer, an experienced music educator, and a board certified music therapist. Stephanie is a Berklee College of Music graduate and is passionate about using music to help kids succeed. LET’S KEEP IN TOUCH! Facebook: Instagram: Spotify:​ Music For Kiddos Website:

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