The Microscopists interviews David Piston (WUSTL)

submitted by VolumeEM on 01/29/25 1

#48 — In this episode, we talk to David Piston, Professor and Head of Cell Biology and Physiology at the Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis. David's first love was physics—until he was made to take a quantum mechanics class in graduate school! He now has a super successful career in biology, using innovative imaging and biochemical methods to identify new therapeutic targets for diabetes. And he puts this partially down to being in the right place at the right time! We hear about how he has successfully combined his love for travel and science by working at A*STAR in Singapore and teaching at the famous Woods Hole labs in Maine. We also discuss his hobbies of signing and sports—he's a big fan of the St Louis Cardinals! Watch all The Microscopists episodes here: #TheMicroscopists #imaging #Expansionmicroscopy

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