Self-proclaimed "dumpster archeologist" Lew Blink embarks on thrilling expeditions through dimly lit alleys where every item holds a story waiting to be brought to life. Through his eyes, the trash-strewn landscapes transform into an endless playground of mysteries waiting to be unraveled, inviting us to ponder the value of privacy and the impact of excessive waste while marveling at the wondrous stories within the refuse left in the alleyways. CREDITS: PRODUCED BY BRUTON STROUBE PRODUCED BY STOLEN SUN LINE PRODUCER: KILEY ENNO DIRECTOR: DUSTIE CARTER DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY: MIKE DALTON EDITOR: CHENT STEINBRINK 1ST AC: JESSE BADER GAFFER: TIM HAWN KEY GRIP: JAMES GAMBLE SOUND MIXER: DAVID KERINS SOUND DESIGNER: COLTON JACKSON ORIGINAL MUSIC: MICHAEL LEFEVRE COLORIST: CLARK GRIFFITHS CAMERA/LENSES/SUPPORT: HORIZON CINE GLASS