A mysterious young beetle arrives at the desk of Nick Leng, Personal Investigator... for Creatures. She can’t find her missing partner, Blu Buhg. After exhausting all their leads, they discover a dark truth lurking deep inside them both (literally). director: sondock producers: amy teboul & alex advocaat eps: matthew clyde, romy jo waller, precious mahaga service company: 2x2=5 production company: riffraff editor: gwennaël ghelid animator: kohana wilson colorist: dante pasquinelli sound designer: nikolay antonov vfx & retouch: brendan regan, jonny freeman & black kite studios 1st ad / beetle wrangler: josh montes dp: gus bendinelli 1st ac: steve fitzpatrick gaffer: chase dubose costume designer: lindsey hartman drone op: steven lewer production designer: ava jones leadman: james cowan starring: nick leng & eva porche color producer: nat tereshchenko animal wrangler: jodie & american-made miniatures bg talent: lynn c woolsey & michelle eckert scott special thanks: the leng family, kode media, motion picture film stock, aube perrie, david wilson, jason sondock, & robert cardwell