Best 10 Pass blood detoxification results ever achieved || The Biosanctuary Holistic Health Retreat You will simply never achieve blood cleansing/detoxification like this at any other clinic—guaranteed! I provide a series of treatments prior to the treatment cycle that do what I call "making the soil rich." Nutrients and treatments such as alkalizing the blood and fasting for those who can are done prior to the 10 Pass treatment that make this level of blood detoxification possible! This is how and why patients leave here enjoying superior health optimization results than they could hope for anywhere else and with a large percentage, if not all of their condition resolved - any condition. This video is in no way enhanced. Yes, I'm competitive—what better profession to be competitive in! I love seeing these results almost as much as my patients! Shine! (like this blood) Genita Mason LMP, NC, HHP 866.820-0369 #TheBiosanctuary #biosanctuary #blood #blooddetoxification #detoxification #10bestblooddetoxification