Pura Review: Can a $39 Smart Diffuser really work? Better yet - does it really smell like Capri Blue Volcano? Get here: wetried.it/recommends/pura/ Check out our new Pura 4 Review here: youtu.be/hz9RG1kiiq0 We've given you our honest Aera Smart Diffuser Review, now we'll give you our honest Pura Diffuser Review. We have to admit, we were a bit skeptical - can the $39 Pura Diffuser (don't miss our Pura Promo Code Below to save even more) even compete with the Aera Smart Diffuser? We'll tell you what to consider when looking at Pura vs. Aera. What is the Pura Smart Diffuser? It's a diffuser you can control with your iPhone or Android, that connects to Wifi. But the killer feature, at least for us, was the ability to get scents you already know and love - like from Nest Fragrances and Capri Blue - two of our favorite scents! If you are looking for the best home fragrance device, you need to watch our honest review here. Get the Pura Promo Code Here: wetried.it/recommends/pura/ USE PROMO CODE: WETRIEDIT15 to save 15% Full Review Here: wetried.it/pura-review/ Also, make sure to check out our Pura vs. Aera comparison: wetried.it/pura-vs-aera/ More information on the promo code and how to save even more here: wetried.it/pura-promo-code/ Let us know if you have any questions - especially since we also have the Aera Diffuser, too! Read our honest Aera Diffuser, too: wetried.it/aera-diffuser-review/ #pura #homefragrance