There is a web of compassion. How do we connect? How do you connect? How do we stay connected? Can we ever really fall out of the web? Here's a visual meditation to help you awaken, accompanied by the stirring voice of Aleya Dao. The drawing is by mystic artist Iwona Drelich. The photo of Pilobus, the dance troupe, is by John Kane. The photo of mother, daughter and grandmother, at Satya's Cafe, in Tiruvannamali, India, was taken by Pamela Bloom, 2009. The photo of the golden forest was taken by Pamela Bloom at Earthgate, PA, a retreat center, when an energy portal was opened by a group led by Robert Young in the fall, 2009. The video was produced by Pamela Bloom, author of "The Power of Compassion: Stories that Open the Heart, Heal the Soul and Change the World" (Hampton Roads, April 2010). www.BooksbyPamelaBloom www.AleyaDao (music) To read more about compassion, see my blog: