While processing cattle, Dr. Oakley treats a cow with a basketball-sized lump on her shoulder. ➡ Subscribe: bit.ly/NatGeoWILDSubscribe ➡ Watch all clips from Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet here: bit.ly/WatchDrOakleyYukonVet ➡ Get more Dr. Oakley: on.natgeo.com/2kK7Hii #NatGeoWILD #DrOakleyYukonVet #Cattle About Dr. Oakley Yukon Vet: Every day is a new challenge for Dr. Michelle Oakley, the only all-species vet for hundreds of miles in the Yukon. Whether wrestling bison, tracking ibex in the mountains, performing surgery on a bear, or braving frozen landscapes to return lynx to the wild, Dr. Oakley will do whatever it takes to keep the animals in her charge safe and healthy. Get More Dr. Oakley Yukon Vet: Official Site: on.natgeo.com/2kK7Hii Facebook: bit.ly/DrOakleyYukonVetFacebook Twitter: bit.ly/DrOakleyYukonVetTwitter About Nat Geo Wild: National Geographic Wild is a place for all things animals and for animal-lovers alike. Take a journey through the animal kingdom with us and discover things you never knew before, or rediscover your favorite animals! Get More Nat Geo Wild: Official Site: bit.ly/NatGeoWILD Facebook: bit.ly/NGWFacebook Twitter: bit.ly/NGWTwitter Instagram: bit.ly/NGWInstagram Cow gets basketball-sized lump of pus drained | Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet | Nat Geo Wild youtu.be/G3ylZc0ZPro Nat Geo Wild www.youtube.com/user/NatGeoWild