“Marsha P. Johnson was known in New York's Greenwich Village where she became an icon during the Stonewall riots. Her legacy asks us to take care of trans women who continue to suffer from discrimination and violence.” #TransIsBeautiful #WeWouldNotBeErased #TranswomenAreWomen #TransMenAreMen #TransValid#ftm #mtf #tran#Transandproud #transvisibility #masculine #TransFeminine #nonbinary #iamvalid #YouAreValid #LGBT #translivesmatter #transrightsarehumanrights . . (CREDIT/SOURCE: CNN, tinyurl.com/yybqpn4v) transvalid.org/ Your support and videos are needed to continue this campaign. A video/picture of you as an ally contributor with the tagline #youarevalid or a video/picture of you as a transgender contributor with the tagline #iamvalid.