We believe that everyone, everywhere, has a role in ending the water crisis. Dirty water makes existing challenges harder than they need to be, stealing time, health, and resources. But with access to clean water, everything changes — especially for women and girls. Over the next few weeks, we’ll introduce you to some of the amazing people you’re working alongside in Zimbabwe: teachers like Cleopatra, gardeners like Editor, local partners like SQ. You'll learn more about the journey of your donation, one that goes even further than you know. Most importantly, you’ll get to help bring clean water to 40,000 people this holiday season. No matter how much you give, 100% will directly fund clean water, bringing life’s most basic need to people living in some of the world's hardest-to-reach places: charitywater.org. ---------------- Clean water changes everything. charity: water brings clean and safe drinking water to people in need around the world, improving health, education, and opportunity - especially for women and children. Learn more about the charity: water story here: cwtr.org/2btdilD. Please share the video, and join The Spring today: cwtr.org/3Urbig6 Subscribe to charity: water: my.charitywater.org/mailing_list_subscribers/new Learn about our 100% Model: www.charitywater.org/our-approach/100-percent-model/ Follow charity: water here: Blog: blog.charitywater.org/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/charitywater/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/charitywater/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/charitywater