Multiple modes of communication can be provided to facilitate #Telemedicine. This includes different communication methods like Video, Audio, and Text (Chat, E-mail, Messaging, etc.) 1. Online #Consultation: In this mode, patients can connect with the doctor virtually for #medical consultation. There is no need to step outside for that. 2. Home Visit: Here, patients can request their preferred doctor's home. They need to confirm and schedule the #appointment. This is very useful when a #patient has severe mobility issues. 3. #Clinic Visit: In this mode, patients can book their prior appointment at the clinic to avoid having to stand in long waiting lines. Request a Free Quote for Telemedicine: #telemedicine #telehealth #pharmacyapp #digitalhealth #healthsoftware #healthapp #virtualcare #Blockchain #ml #rpa #healthcareit #telehealth #emedstore #emedhealthtech #onlinepharmacy #onlinepharmacyapp #healthapp #healthcare #healthsoftware