Come Follow Me Insights - Job: I Know that My Redeemer Liveth!

submitted by jbaptista on 11/16/22 1

Taylor and Tyler explore the story of Job as we all learn how to stay true to God amidst our trials and challenges. Learn about how God will bless us if we are faithful to Him. Stay until the end for a special music presentation of I Know that My Redeemer Lives. This program is intended to be used as supplementary material to the Come, Follow Me Program by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This weeks episode correlates with the dates of Jul 11-17, 2022. Music Video (I Know That My Redeemer Lives): Sheet Music (I Know That My Redeemer Lives): ____________________ Come Follow Me Insights is a production by Book of Mormon Central. Edited and produced by Benjamin Tyler Griffin with assistance from Zander Sturgill, Avery Kirk, Brad Wilson, Riley Brown, and Jackson Brady. Video subtitles/transcripts by Carol Jones and James Welch. Timestamps courtesy of Margarita Dunn. Special Thanks to Taylor Halverson and Tyler Griffin for volunteering countless hours to make these videos a reality, and a very special thanks to Kiplin Griffin for content editing and review. Nearer my God to Thee arranged and orchestrated by Benjamin Griffin. ____________________ 0:00 Introduction 10:45 Job understands there is only one God and knows he has been covenantally aligned with him. Therefore, he asks why God allows him to suffer since he has not transgressed. 21:10 The point to Job's story is not to know with exactitude were the land of Uz is, nor his genealogy, nor the time line of when Job was alive. It is to learn of the experiences Job had. 29:57 Job's wealth (rewards given by the Lord) was gained throughout the years. However, he'll begin to lose those possessions and his children. Job draws closer to God through his suffering. 37:14 Job's answer to his wife is that we are to love our God in good times as well as in hard times. Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar arrived to mourn and comfort Job in his greatest time of need to bring strength. 47:53 We are to be still and listen to the Spirit of the Lord as we administer to our brothers and sisters. The spirit will guide us on what to say and do as we comfort them. 56:57 Wherever you are in your life, reflect on the things God has promised to restore back to you. That will include to see him with your own eyes in the flesh in the resurrection. 1:04:12 God is asking Eliphaz to come to him with a broken heart and a contrite spirit to come back into a covenantal loyalty/relationship. ____________________ *Download our free scripture study tool: *Sign up for our weekly emails to receive notifications and more Come, Follow Me resources: ____________________ This channel may make use of copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. #BookofMormonCentral #ComeFollowMeInsights #SpreadLightAndGoodness

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