This video uses quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests in a rhythm play-along. This video would be great for using rhythm sticks, or having students play different hand-held percussion instruments. It's a fun way to review and practice reading quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests to a familiar song. I found that the best way to do this with students is to give them an instrument where they can use two hands independently. My favorite way is to give each students a pair of sticks and have them play them either on the carpet or on poly spots (I call them “drum pads” for the students). This way they can move their hands independently and quickly enough to play all rhythms in this play-along. Older grades might be able to be successful the first time through, but most classes will need a little rehearsal to get it right; so don't be afraid to pause the video to practice some rhythms and then re-start! Whether you are working for musical accuracy or just a fun rhythm game to play with your students, I guarantee this one will be fun! To extend the activity; after students have played one instrument, have everyone rotate to a new instrument category and play again! Check out my playlist for other rhythm play-alongs: Or body percussion: