I Converted an old RV into a TINY HOME | Full build start to finish

submitted by Reyreyreys Tv on 10/06/22 1

AMAZON PRODUCT LISTπŸ‘‰ www.amazon.com/shop/dualex πŸ‘ˆ HELPFUL LINKS πŸ‘‰ www.dualexbuilds.com/product-links πŸ‘ˆ FREE BUILD PLANS πŸ‘‰ www.dualexbuilds.com/ πŸ‘ˆ C L I C K T O S U B S C R I B E: bit.ly/2fWl1tU I N S T A G R M: @dualex2x instagram.com/dualex2x/ I Converted an old RV into a TINY HOME | Full build start to finish: This travel trailer rv is set up as an off grid tiny home on wheels. It is fully equipped with a solar power electrical system. There are two Solar Panels mounted on the roof of the trailer. All the rest of the electrical components including the Solar Controller, Pure Sine Wave inverter, and deep cycle Gel battery are mounted inside of the trailer. There are AC and USB outlets in convenient areas throughout the trailer, as well as super bright 12 volt LED lights. The living area of this tiny home has gas heat and a gas oven/stove. There’s also a fully functional sink and water system, as well a composting toilet. For cooking and ventilation, the tiny house has a 3 speed Dometic Fan-Tastic roof vent above the kitchen area. There is a projector screen that can be angled on a swiveling wall mount which is connected to a DTV antenna and my PS4 video game console. All cabinets in the RV are secured with cabinet latches to make sure nothing falls while the trailer is moving. The bed also lifts up to reveal the storage underneath the sleeping area of the trailer. I wanted to test my building skills by renovating an older trailer than I'm usually used to working with, so i decided to build this solar powered tiny home trailer with minimal tools. In this video I take you with me from start to finish and show everything that I built from the electrical setup to the details of each floorboard and shiplap wall panel. mobile Tiny house living is all about doing everything you need to do in a regular house, while being parked anywhere you want.

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