“Finally, the people came from the village. They took me on a stretcher through the valley. They took me by car to the hospital there… I was so confused. I was in shock.” Our friend shares his story of being in the field with his sheep when a land mine exploded. As a result, he lost both of his legs. That was in 1991. Prosthetics changed his life and allowed him to do everyday things again like walking and going to the market. It’s been ten years since he’s had new prosthetics. He has gone many times to get new ones made, but there are no materials. Join us as we raise $20,000 for a prosthetic center in Kurdistan, to help people like this friend and many others like him. GIVE TOWARDS PROSTHETIC MATERIALS // faimission.givingfuel.com/prosthetics-project #BetterFriendsThanMountains