From sports injury medicine to total joint replacement, we offer comprehensive care for the full spectrum of musculoskeletal conditions. And the musculoskeletal system includes bones, muscles, ligaments, joints, tendons, and connective tissue in the body. Because the musculoskeletal system is vast, many orthopedic surgeons have areas of specialty. Two of these areas are the foot/ankle and spine. When choosing an orthopedic surgeon for your musculoskeletal issue, you should make sure he or she specializes in the type of surgery you need We treat patients of all ages, from athletes who get injured in their sports to children who get hurt on the playground. #epiduralinjection #lowerbackpaintreatmentinnj #neckpaintreatmentinnj #paindoctor #painmanagenearme *********************************************************************** Get in touch with us for more detail or Visit our website. Website: Facebook: Instagram: ***********************************************************************