Celebrity Hug Look-Alike Prank (HITMAN HOLLA GETS MAD) In this episode, Gerald Huston goes around pranking celebrity look-alikes at the mall! Gerald Huston is an upcoming YouTuber that does several different other pranks such as Spider Prank, Hug Prank, Celebrity Hug Prank, Beardy Prank, and Picking Up Girls! ▶ Watch more from Gerald Huston: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBKme7RjwENzzXddVEVmsPLOLza6Dr7ap ▶ www.Instagram.com/iamgeraldhuston What did you think of this video? Should I do more? Let me know in the comments below! Created by and Starring: Gerald Huston #Comedy #Funny #CelebrityHugPrank