I always loved watching GaryVee say things like "I love to fail" but it took me a whole trip to be able to mean it. A journey of self-discovery that indeed had its ups and downs. With clearness of purpose, I am now frankly in love with failure. This video asks you that question! Do you really like it when you hear that advice? When you see failure getting framed into this good looking thing, how do you truly feel inside? I know so many people are scared deep down in their guts, so was i. Watch it and awaken the hustler within. Do not forget to share your thoughts in the comments and subscribe for more the same content focusing on life, self-discovery, purpose, passion, and philosophy. Stay with The Rebel in the College to follow me on my journey of writing a philosophical, psychological and romantic masterpiece. A Novel I am currently lost in. Find me on Instagram I do chat with philosophical minds:: @muz.saadat