Early Bird Registration starts April 1! Week A: July 4th - 8th (Monday-Friday) Week B: July 11th - 15th (Monday-Friday) Week C: July 18th - 22nd (Monday-Friday) Week D: August 29th - September 1st (Monday-Thursday) Early Bird Pricing starts April 1 at 8am - April 20 at Midnight $175 for Week A, B & C (Monday-Friday) $140 for Week D (Monday-Thursday) Regular Pricing starts April 21 $200 for Week A, B & C (Monday-Friday) $160 for Week D (Monday-Thursday) $125 non-refundable; $50 refund if you cancel before June 4th (One month in advance of Camp) Other Info: 9am - 3pm Chapel Every Morning Field Trip Wednesdays Hot Lunch Fridays Camper T-Shirts Camp without the overnight Questions? Email the Summer Programs Director Regan Davis - rdavis@langleychristian.com