Celebrity Gossip Queen Perez Hilton just dropped a bombshell on the Kyle and Jackie O Show! In an exclusive chat, Hilton revealed a story that Lady Gaga definitely isn't that keen on going public. Hilton tells Jackie that he was backstage at the AMA's in 2010 while Lady Gaga was getting ready to go on and perform. "She had to go to the bathroom so badly, OR she just didn't care, that we were in this holding area in the green room backstage, that she just went to the corner of the room, popped a squat, and urinated in the corner of the room right before going on stage!" He told Jackie. Then he added, "She still had a couple minutes before she went on stage, but instead of going to the bathroom... So basically the story is that I've seen Lady Gaga urinate in public." Perez went on to confirm that he still hadn't patched things up with his old friend, Gaga... But he was diplomatic when he commented that she was "looking healthy... Ish." BOMBSHELL!