Moses Parts The Red Sea | Exodus 14-17 | Come Follow Me 2022 | The Old Testament

submitted by jbaptista on 04/04/22 1

Today James and Aria learn about Moses parting the red sea, and leading the Israelites out of Egypt. It is one of the most incredible escapes in history. Get our free coloring pages here: Also check out our other great study helps here: Also help us make more Scripture Explorers by supporting us on Patreon! #comefollowme #theoldtestament #scriptureexplorers #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #searchthescriptures #comefollowme2021 #Moses #bookofexodus #lds #ldschurch #hearhim #lighttheworld #mormon Things weren't over for the Israelites when they left Egypt. When all the firstborn egyptian sons were killed pharaoh at last agreed to let the israelite slaves go free the people gathered their things and traveled with moses into the wilderness but like many wicked men the pharaoh soon changed his mind and wanted to have his slaves back. He gathered his army and chased the israelites when the people saw the egyptian army closing in on them they tried to run but they were trapped between the approaching army and the red sea like the ocean smaller than the ocean but still large and dangerous so they were stuck like me they definitely thought they were the israelites didn't know how they could possibly survive either they could retreat and be captured or killed by the pharaoh's army or they could go forward and be drowned in the sea not a lot of good options but god had a plan he placed a pillar of fire between the egyptians and the israelites so the egyptian army couldn't catch them then he told moses to raise his staff over the water why what happened heavenly father parted the waters of the red sea what what all the water raised up on both sides high into the air then the israelites were able to cross the sea on dry ground it was a mighty miracle it would have taken a few hours at least for them to get all the way across and all that time the water remained parted all the israelites arrived safely on the opposite shore this experience proved to them once again that heavenly father was protecting them even though it had looked like they were in an inescapable situation the lord still delivered them from danger so the fear are finally finally gave up sadly no the pharaoh was so blinded by anger that the minute the pillar of fire disappeared he ordered his armies to continue chasing after the israelites the egyptians started across the sea floor but as soon as every israelite was safely across god released the waters again the pharaoh and his entire army were destroyed

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