#kazoo #arrahman #urvashi Get your premium wooden kazoos from Amazon amzn.to/2HS5IUp Want free delivery? Get it from My Dukaan: bit.ly/2Tj67Vx Love my work? You can support me here buymeacoffee.com/SiddharthDhakan Handmade wooden Kazoos for better sound, build and looks. (Way better than the aluminium ones) Now you can learn how to play Kazoo: youtu.be/3N7Ie3IVGtU have launched my very own brand "Sweet Lime" Insta : www.instagram.com/thekazooguru/ Label: venus. Composer: A R Rahman A newer version is done by T-series. Here's the list of gears and software I use to make my videos 1.Macbook pro. 2012 version 2.Logic pro X for sound editing 3. Samson q2u USB mic for audio recording 4. Presonus eris e3.5 monitor speakers to get flat accurate sound. 5. Kadence ukulele 6.Yamaha F280 acoustic guitar. 7. Akai apk mini. Midi keyboard 8. Canon 850D camera. 9. Osmo gimbal for phone. I have listed all these gears in one single Amazon link so that you can easily find and purchase the product you are looking for. Plus if you purchase from this link it helps me. www.amazon.in/shop/siddharthdhakan?ref=inf_own_siddharthdhakan