How to Clone a Virtual Machine on VMware Fusion 12 in Mac/macOS | SYSNETTECH Solutions

submitted by tolqabaqci on 12/15/21 1

This video tutorial shows you how to create a clone to backup, copy or replicate a virtual machine you set up with VMware Fusion 12 Pro on an Apple Mac computer. ✅ S U B S C R I B E ► ✅ Article ► Creating a Full Clone: 0:00 Deleting a Full Clone: 7:08 Creating a Linked Clone: 9:55 Deleting a Linked Clone: 12:15 You can use the Clone feature when you need to quickly replicate a virtual machine you set up with VMware Fusion on your #macOS computer. There are two methods to clone a VM: Full Clone and Linked Clone. You can replicate your system using #clone without having to install a virtual operating system again. Step 1: If you have not installed VMware Fusion software on your Mac before, you can watch the video tutorial below. - Step 2: After installing the Fusion software on your system, install the Windows 10 operating system in a new virtual machine by watching the video tutorial below in the same way. - Step 3: With your Windows 10 guest machine turned off, click Virtual Machine / Create Full Clone from the #Fusion tool menu. Step 4: After choosing the location to back up the virtual machine, click the Save button and wait for the cloning process to be completed. This process may take time depending on the performance of your Mac computer. Because, in Full Clone operation, a copy of the main virtual machine is made, so disk space is allocated on your host disk as much as the disk size of the main virtual machine. Step 5: After cloning your Windows 10 virtual computer, run it and test it. Step 6: When you plan to delete after clone, right-click the Fusion icon on the Dock and open Virtual Machine Library. Then, on the guest machine, you cloned, first click on the Delete option and then on the Move to Trash option. NOTE: If you create Linked Clone instead of Full Clone, your virtual machine will be smaller in size on your Mac's disk. This is because the virtual computer copied with Linked Clone is linked to the main virtual computer. Note that if you are considering deleting Linked Clone, you should also delete the snapshot of the host virtual machine. ───────────────RELATED VIDEOS─────────────── ➊ How to Install Windows 2000 ➦ ➋ How to Install Windows 95 ➦ ➌ How to Install Windows XP ➦ ➍ How to Install Windows 98 FE ➦ ➎ How to Install Windows 98 SE ➦ ───────────────FOLLOW US─────────────────── ✔ Facebook ➦ ✔ Twitter ➦ ✔ Pinterest ➦ ✔ Instagram ➦ ✔ LinkedIn ➦ ███████████████████████████████████████████

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