Roman Catholic Mass Explained iPad app, Interactive Journey into Catholic Liturgy

submitted by MassExplained on 06/12/14 1

Visit for details. The Catholic Mass is the source and summit of our Faith, but few are aware of what it all means. This video will help you see how the Mass Explained app team of designers used technology to explain the historical development and significance of the prayers, Catholic Mass readings and responses in the liturgy. The Mass Explained iPad app is a multimedia journey through the Catholic Mass — more specifically, the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite, the Mass with which most Catholics are familiar. It explores the roots of each section of the liturgy with its unique prayers and gestures. Packed with scriptural references, quotes from the Church Fathers, the Catechism and excerpts from councils and encyclicals, the iPad app is scholarly yet totally approachable and thoroughly entertaining. In addition to the hundreds of photographs, drawings, charts, mass music and graphs that make for a stunning user experience, The Mass Explained iPad app contains several interactive elements. Please visit for details.

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