Hard Cover Charles Houston HS News: Gun ViolenceNews piece about the escalating murder rate in Chicago.
CCA Hard Cover News 1News piece about the escalating murder rate in Chicago.
CCA Hard Cover News 2News piece about teen sex and sexting.
Hard Cover Exclusive News: 2012 Presidential ElectionHard Cover's Executive producer interviews adults and teens on how the presidential election will impact them.
Hard Cover News: Teen UnemploymentCTVN's After School Matters Apprentices talk to local businesses, youth and job coaches to learn more about how young people can overcome the growing challenges of getting a job in these tight economic times.
A West Town StoryThis short doc breaks down the different neighborhoods that make up the West Side of Chicago.
ASA News: FlagsIn Chicago, a recent trend of high school students wearing gang colors and bandanas has sometimes violent repercussions.
Lakeview News Exclusive: Viral Videos, Bullying and Future NBA All-StarsLakeview Academy News Team brings you the latest and greatest news on bullying in school, reactions to a viral violent chicago video, basketball sports, and entertainment news.
1000 Miles Away: Trayvon MartinThis piece explores the tragic killing of Trayvon Martin through the opinions of both students at Ada S Mckinley and local community.
World Image with Davonna and Malika: Disney PrincessesDavonna and Malika break down stereotypes of women in Disney movies on their talk show and how they affect young girls.
Hard Cover ASA News: CurfewsStudents at Academy of Scholastic Achievement made this news segment about Chicago's new curfew laws and how Chicagoans are adjusting.
More Deaths than WarStudents from CTVN's video production class at Truman Middle College produced this news piece discussing the recent smoking ban at their school and the effect that smoking has on young people today, physically, socially and financially.
Hard Cover ASM News: Gangs in SchoolsStudents in CTVN's After School Matters Advanced Apprenticeship Program explore the issue of gangs in schools through statistical research, a youth roundtable discussion, and interviews with local teens and teachers.
Youth News for You Exclusive from CTVN & ASM: DEPAUL UNIVERSITYCTVN After School Matters Video Production class visits a Graduate Urban Affairs Reporting Class at DePaul University with Professor Lou Rutligano to have real talk about issues facing them and their communities. CTVN's Youth News for You program is supported by the McCormick Foundation.
Punish the Deed, Not the BreedASM student Kyle Campbell is on a mission to break the myths that surround his favorite breed---Pitbulls.
Hard Cover News: Humboldt VoicesHumboldt Park is a neighborhood known for its talent and activism. Hard Cover Youth journalist uncover how they are connected for two of Humboldt's own, Adam AD and Miguel Rodriguez at neighborhood organizations King Lizzy and Graffiti Zone.
Hard Cover Lake View Academy News: Underage drinkingLVA News team looks at underage drinking amongst teens.
1. What is the Title of this Film?
LVA News: Underage Drinking
2. Is this version: final, or is it a draft, a treatment or a trailer (judged separately)?
3. What is the running time of this title? 5:08
4. What is the name of the CTVN film teacher who worked with the crew on this film?
Mary Horan
5. What is the name of the school film program where this film was made?
Lake View Academy
6. Youth Comments: Write down their comments or what you remember:
6A. Why did you, as a youth, decide to make this film?
They made this news piece as a requirement for the semester
6B. What do you, as a youth, see as important about your film?
They wanted to ask people's opinion about underage drinking since many of my students do it.
Filmmakers/ Film Teachers comments:
7. A. How would you, as a filmmaker/video instructor, describe the style/genre?
7. B. Please write your own description of the film -- something we can use in the press release.
5 minute news piece produced by students from Lake View Academy utilizing green screen and man on the street interviews.
8. What do you, as a filmmaker/youth media worker, think is important about this film?
That the kids took the time to research how the minimum drinking age act came about and made the effort to go outside to ask people's opinions about it.
9. What do you, as a filmmaker/youth media worker, think is unique about this film?
I think they did a great job on the production value of this film - very professional looking.
10. Write the names of each youth who worked on this film (if you need more time; sent later).
Fernando Aurelio
Abe Lopez
Frank Mizhquiri
Liode Valenci
Dulce Trujillo
Diana Patino
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