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  • Artists at the Women's March on Washington | KQED Arts
    Artists at the Women's March on Washington | KQED Arts For more, visit: goo.gl/jBsAjK

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  • Breaking Waves and Breaking Barriers with Brown Girl Surf | KQED Arts
    Breaking Waves and Breaking Barriers with Brown Girl Surf | KQED Arts What happens when you don't see yourself reflected in your local surfing scene? For a group of Bay Area surfers, the answer is: create your own?

    For more check out: goo.gl/5JlXog

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  • How Poet Tassiana Willis Found her Art by Telling her Story | KQED Arts
    How Poet Tassiana Willis Found her Art by Telling her Story | KQED Arts For more about Youth Speaks inaugural Emerging Arts Fellow Tassiana Willis:

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  • BRITTSENSE Reveals the Power and Struggle of Communities of Color
    BRITTSENSE Reveals the Power and Struggle of Communities of Color Hit that SUBSCRIBE button!

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  • Women Dancers Redefine Oakland's Street Dancing Scene | KQED Arts
    Women Dancers Redefine Oakland's Street Dancing Scene | KQED Arts Hit that SUBSCRIBE button!

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  • Tacos & Punk: Discussing What Women of Color Face in the Local Scene| KQED Arts
    Tacos & Punk: Discussing What Women of Color Face in the Local Scene| KQED Arts Hit that SUBSCRIBE button!

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  • Dance Brigade Celebrates 40 Years of Artivism | KQED Arts
    Dance Brigade Celebrates 40 Years of Artivism | KQED Arts Hit that SUBSCRIBE button!

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  • Diana Gameros Sings the Immigrant's Love and Loss | KQED Arts
    Diana Gameros Sings the Immigrant's Love and Loss | KQED Arts For Mexican-born singer-songwriter Diana Gameros, music has always been a deeply personal endeavor, acting as both a lifeline and a retreat from the world’s complications. Her soulful, emotionally-charged music, recorded on her debut album Eterno Retorno, tells a journey of love, loss, and hope, rooted in her own coming-of-age story as an undocumented immigrant in America. “Music for me has always been an outlet,” Gameros tells KQED Arts, “a way to be on my own and be okay.”

    Born in Ciudad Juárez, Gameros spent most of her childhood in the border city, where over the last decade, the forces of globalization, cartel violence and government corruption have turned it into one most dangerous places on the planet. The realities of her birth city – where Gameros’ family still lives – inspire many of her songs, including her powerful, gut-wrenching “En Juarez,” captured by KQED Arts’ cameras at a recent performance at MACLA in San Jose.

    But Gameros’ American story has an innocence, involving a Michigan boy she fell in love with and wide-eyed dreams of becoming a professional musician. “That gave me all the drive to do whatever I had to do to be here,” says Gameros, who moved to Michigan and studied music for four years at Grand Rapids Community College.

    For more about Diana's story , go to: http://ww2.kqed.org/arts/2015/12/10/diana-gameros-sings-the-immigrants-love-and-loss/

    Video Produced by Kelly Whalen

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  • Oakland Yarn Shop Joins Pussy Hat Project Effort | KQED Arts
    Oakland Yarn Shop Joins Pussy Hat Project Effort | KQED Arts Hit that SUBSCRIBE button!

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  • J’Nai Bridges Bounces from the Basketball Court to the Opera House| KQED Arts
    J’Nai Bridges Bounces from the Basketball Court to the Opera House| KQED Arts Most opera singers start training seriously when they’re still in pigtails and knee socks. But one rising star in the classical singing world got a late start because she was headed for a career as a professional basketball player.

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  • Women's Ink: Back to the Future with Female Tattoo Artistry | KQED Arts
    Women's Ink: Back to the Future with Female Tattoo Artistry | KQED Arts Hit that SUBSCRIBE button!

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  • Women Veterans Share Stories from the Frontlines on Stage | KQED Arts
    Women Veterans Share Stories from the Frontlines on Stage | KQED Arts 'Stand Ground,' a recent theater production from the EchoTheaterSuitcase project, helps participants work through the traumas of working in combat zones.

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  • Members of Sarah Bush Dance Project Commune with Oakland's Landscape | KQED Arts
    Members of Sarah Bush Dance Project Commune with Oakland's Landscape | KQED Arts Hit that SUBSCRIBE button!

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  • Knyte Ryderz Show How the Born to be Wild can Grow Up to be Caring | KQED Arts
    Knyte Ryderz Show How the Born to be Wild can Grow Up to be Caring | KQED Arts Hit that SUBSCRIBE button!

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  • For Tango Composer Débora Simkovich, ‘Music is the Soul’| KQED Arts
    For Tango Composer Débora Simkovich, ‘Music is the Soul’| KQED Arts Débora Simkovich is one of the few female composers working in the male-dominated musical genre of tango.

    For more: https://ww2.kqed.org/arts/2016/11/16/groundbreaking-female-tango-composer-on-how-it-reflects-the-immigrant-experience/

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  • History and Imagination Drive Singer Zena Carlota's Afro-Folk Sound | KQED Arts
    History and Imagination Drive Singer Zena Carlota's Afro-Folk Sound | KQED Arts Hit that SUBSCRIBE button!

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