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  • Reagan Goforth, Spinal Muscular Atrophy | Stem Cell Treatment Testimonial
    Reagan Goforth, Spinal Muscular Atrophy | Stem Cell Treatment Testimonial Reagan was clinically diagnosed with SMA at 6 months after extensive genetic testing due to delayed motor function and and overall delay in hitting infant milestones was noticed. In some cases, Spinal Muscular Atrophy can be fatal. Due to Reagan's stem cell treatments she remains cognizant and aware of her surroundings. Reagan is in fantastic health at the moment. She has continued to gain motor and oral functions over the past 2 years resulting in increased ability to feed herself, be potty trained on a special toilet, and sit in a normal chair with the aid of a back brace.

    For SMA treatment please inquire here: http://stemcelltreatmentnow.com/spinal-muscular-atrophy/
  • Spinale Muskelatrophie Typ 1 | Stammzell-Therapie Testimonial
    Spinale Muskelatrophie Typ 1 | Stammzell-Therapie Testimonial Agnieszka Filipkowska fühlte, dass Stammzell-Therapie ihre letzte Chance im Leben war. Mit wurde mit SMA geboren, ihre Muskelkraft verschlechterte sich also stetig, und jedes Jahr fühlte sie sich schwächer. Medizin und Programme aus Europa halfen nicht, so wandte sie sich an Beike Biotechnologie. Dank einer Kombination aus Stammzellen und funktioneller Medizin fühlt sie sich nun viel stärker, hat mehr Energie und SMA belastet sie weniger als vorher.

  • Kyle and Rayanna -- SMA II Adult Stem Cell Patients
    Kyle and Rayanna -- SMA II Adult Stem Cell Patients Kyle Knopes and Rayanna Seffens were accompanied by family as they traveled to Qingdao China to receive transplants of donated umbilical cord blood stem cells to treat symptoms of the genetic condition Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2 (SMA II).<br />
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    SMA is a neuro-muscular degenerative disorder leaving patients with a host of crushing symptoms. Kyle and Rayanna hoped that adult stem cell therapy using immuno-naive umbilical cord cells would help their systems overcome their genetic limitations. <br />
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    For more information, you can read their full Patient Experiences here:<br />
    http://www.stemcellschina.com/index.php/en/patient-experiences/spinal-muscular-atrophy/1252-rayanna-smaii<br />
    http://www.stemcellschina.com/index.php/en/patient-experiences/spinal-muscular-atrophy/1251-kyle-smaii<br />
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    Both keep blogs chronicling their journey and you can find them here:<br />
    http://stemcellschina.com/blog/Rayanna/<br />
  • Nirma - SMA III Stem Cell Patient
    Nirma - SMA III Stem Cell Patient Nirma traveled from Indonesia to China to receive transplants of umbilical cord blood stem cells--a form of adult stem cells--to treat symptoms associated with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type III. <br />
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    SMA III is caused by a rare genetic mutation. While the treatment she received is not a cure for SMA III it can offer progressive quality of life improvements for a patient.<br />
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    If you would like more information about adult stem cell treatments available today please visit us at StemCellsChina.com.<br />
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    Check out other SMA patient videos here at Vimeo.<br />
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    Kyle and Rayanna -- SMA II<br />