Scottish New Years Traditional Hogmanay Party...Welcome to the Edinburgh Hogmanay New Years Eve 2019 / 2020 party. In today's episode, Teka, myself and Wee Scottish Lass go to the famous Torchlight Procession. This is a Scottish New Year Tradition and Hogmanay is a big thing for us in Scotland. We hope you all join us one time.
Dec 13 - New independence vote looms after SNP victoryScotland must be allowed to hold another referendum on its place inside the United Kingdom following the crushing victory of the nationalists in the election, leader Nicola Sturgeon said on Friday.…
Netflix - The Great Hack (2019) Documentary Film - Excerpts, TrailerNetflix Documentary - Explores how a data company named Cambridge Analytica came to symbolise the dark side of social media in the wake of the 2016 UK Brexit Referendum and 2016 US Presidential Election, as uncovered by journalist Carole Cadwalladr.
Released: July 24, 2019
Asking Scottish Kids Questions About Scotland (HILARIOUS)While I was with Singer Station Music School in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland, Louise (who runs the school) and I asked kids ranging from ages 3-13 questions about Scotland. This is what they said...
May 29, 2019 - Why is Scotland all YELLOW???...In May, it's Canola season in Scotland, meaning our fields are bright yellow. Meanwhile, a map showing Scotland all yellow has been going around recently, and this is to do with the recent EU elections we had in the UK to elect our MEPs to Brussels, despite Brexit.
Scottish Independence Vs Brexit BritainShould Scotland be independent? OR should Scotland go with Brexit Britain? I think that will be a choice that Scotland will face, sooner or later, in a referendum. It may come in the form of a general election, people's vote or direct Scottish referendum.